It’s likely your mother and grandmother had a bottle of Murphy’s Oil lying around your house. It’s been one of the oldest cleaning tricks in the book for decades, mainly because it’s inexpensive and effective. Murphy Oil is gentle cleaner that gets the job done, oftentimes better than the more expensive cleaners out there. If you have a bottle of Murphy Oil lying around, pick it up and put it to use! There are tons of home hacks you can use the oil for, like cleaning, removing stains, and using it as a pesticide. According to Colgate-Palmolive, “Murphy Oil Soap does not contain ammonia, bleach, or oils. It contains plant-based and coconut-based cleaning agents, filtered water, and natural fragrance.” You can use it on pretty much anything, as long as it’s not finished wood floors.

Keep Your Furniture New
Furniture doesn’t come cheap, which is why it’s important to keep it as clean as possible. That means taking care of it to ensure your favorite pieces last a long time. This is where Murphy’s oil comes in. Apply the soap to wooden accents to remove dirt and add a nice, sparkling shine. Dip a rag in a mixture of Murphy’s oil and water and gently apply it (Apartment Therapy).