Gardening has been a popular pass time for as long as human civilization has existed. It brings vegetables, flowers, and plants into our lives. For years, gardening was a huge part of the day-to-day lives of nearly every home owner in the United States. Today, with the dawn of easily accessible fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants available from stores, many people have stopped gardening on their own. However, if you have land to do so, you should really consider taking up gardening, because it can improve both your mental and physical health. Here are all of the wonderful reasons why gardening just may improve your life for the better.
30. Breathing Fresh Air

One of the first benefits of gardening is that it gets you outside. Instead of being cooped up indoors watching television, you are breathing fresh air and enjoying the great outdoors. This sounds almost like a cliche, or an excuse parents used to get their kids out of the house for a few hours. But it’s really true. The benefits of breathing more fresh air are surprising. It can help you digest food better, improve your health pressure, and is often linked to a decrease in obesity.

Breathing fresh air also helps to dilate your lungs. By getting the good, clean air in your lungs, it can release any toxins that may have been sitting there from dusty, stale air indoors. When your breath in good air, you feel better almost instantly. Even if you live in an urban area, you may want to get some house plants. These will help to clean the air of your living space, and make the air smell and taste fresh.