When you make the leap into homeownership, you’re probably anticipating taking on a few expensive repairs throughout your time in that home. Paying out of pocket for home repairs is one of the many reasons people avoid buying a home and choose to rent instead. But you don’t have to panic and call a professional whenever something breaks around the house. There are a ton of easy home repairs you can do yourself with a tiny bit of time and knowledge. These DIY projects will save you big in the long run, so you can spend your hard-earned money doing things you enjoy, like taking that vacation you’ve been putting off. Get ready to take some notes and run out to the nearest hardware store because you’ll be a home repair DIY expert by the time you’ve finished reading this list!

Use Ice Cubes To Remove Carpet Dents
Moving furniture around is a great way to update the feng shui in your home, but it can reveal some ugly dents in your carpets. Thankfully, there’s a super easy way to remove these dents that doesn’t require calling a professional carpet cleaner. All you need are some ice cubes and a hard-bristled brush. Place the ice cubes in the dent and let them melt. You’ll see the carpet fibers soften once the ice has melted. Then, take your brush and scrub the carpet to fluff up the threads. You can also use a slightly different method to solve this issue. Take a damp dishcloth or towel and lay it in the dent. Then, take an iron on medium heat for 30-60 seconds. Be careful not to let the iron touch the carpet directly because it’ll burn and smell awful! Always vacuum over the carpet after for a seamless, clean look.