A lot of living happens within a home, and nothing quite makes it feel like your own personal space than a few items you have assembled with your own two hands. Your home can be elevated to the next level with a few calculated plans. The best part is you can find tons of ideas that could fit in your budget and busy schedule. It does not have to cost a million dollars to make the residence look luxurious. Projects like these are easier than you think, and they can be done on your own leisure. A little paint there, a new backsplash there, or even some strategic lighting can give your house just the look needed for an overdue upgrade. It’s time to make your home work for you and your aesthetic. Spruce up your living space with any one of these fabulous do-it-yourself home makeover ideas and fall in love with your home all over again.

40. Pick a perfect paint pallet.
Make the bold choice to rework your home into a new haven with a fresh coat of paint (via This Old House). Drab, dull, and washed-out walls can be given new life after a color change. You could also touch up past painting sins on white walls in your home (via This Old House). It is easy to see why painting is the most often chosen form of redecoration. Moreover, it doesn’t take a pro to know how to slather up some color on a wall. The power of paint rearranges your reality and can be the catalyst for other do-it-yourself projects.