Sick of spending too much money on household expenses? With the right knowledge, you can cut your spending in half! In this article, we’ve collected all the best hacks to save you time, money, and effort. Most of these tricks involve items you already have – no need to go shopping for more stuff. From groceries to interior design, we have all the tips and tricks you need to make your home run more efficiently and save you money. So get your wallets ready, because it’s time to get savvy with your spending.
Wrap a Rubber Band Around Your Soap Dispenser
If you have little ones that pump the soap dispenser like there’s no tomorrow, this is the hack for you. Wrapping a rubber band around your soap dispenser slows its flow, giving you the appropriate amount for a hand-washing session. Pick a wide rubber band, or you can also use a hair tie. Wrap the rubber around the neck of the dispenser until it’s tight enough to slightly inhibit the pump. This will cut your soap usage in half.