Several years ago, the homeowner world was swept away with a new term called Junebugging. It was introduced on Tumblr, and only recently made its way to TikTok, where it gained popularity. This is a life-changing productivity method to help you clean your home and stop dreading the inevitable chore. This word is based on the behavior of June bugs, who return to the same site no matter how many times they wander off. To use this in cleaning terms means always returning to the same location no matter how many times you get distracted by other things. You can do this by choosing to focus on one aspect of every room, for example, the bathroom sink in the bathroom as opposed to the entire bathroom. It acts as an anchor point to help when we get distracted, which will happen.
Nikki Pebbles, business psychologist, said “That is your anchor point and you’re always gonna come back to that anchor point because we’re working with our brain. We know that we’re going to get distracted. Essentially, Junebugging is doing what the Junebugs do; you go all over the place, but you always go back to your set spot, so you’re working with your brain instead of against it.” It’s natural and normal to get distracted. If you’re someone who easily gets distracted while cleaning, then junebugging is the hack you’ve been waiting for.
Clean Like a Junebug
TikTok user Jumpingjacktrash, the one who came up with the idea of Junebugging, promises you’re likely to get a lot of cleaning done using this method. The point is to slow down and notice when you get distracted. If you do get distracted, several tasks later, just return to your first task, which is the starting point.
They said, “Not only will the bathroom sink almost certainly be clean, and probably the mirror and soap dish too, you might’ve swapped in a fresh toothbrush, a new soap, you might’ve unclogged the drain — you will probably also have cleaned or fixed up several things in the near vicinity” (via House Digest).