Life Hacks Of People That Never Overspend

Monica Gray - November 24, 2023

If you ever look at your bank account and wonder where all your money goes, you might be an overspender. No matter how much you take care to stick to your budget, there might always be a few purchases that put your home and daily spending beyond your monthly budget. That’s why we’ve curated a list of the best tips and tricks so you don’t overspend and can save money throughout the year.

Go Banking

Travel During Off-Peak Times

Plan vacations during non-peak seasons for lower travel and accommodation prices. This means cheaper hotels and flights, and the chance to see major destinations with smaller crowds. According to Dean Wicks, chief flights officer of WeGo, “You’ll also find that in most destinations, locals will be more receptive to unique requests.” This might even mean cheaper food, transportation, and souvenirs. This prevents unwanted and accidental overspending during vacations when tourist prices are at their highest. Wicks continues to say, “If you can’t travel during off-peak times, select an off-peak day,” like Tuesdays. If you’re flexible about your itinerary, then travel hacks are some of the best ways to stick to a budget. You might even end up saving money in the end (CNN).

SImple Mindfulness

Mindful Unplugging

Instead of diving into the day’s tasks from the moment you wake up, try taking a moment to pause in the morning, breathe, and check in with your body and mind. Throughout the day, you can also schedule regular periods of digital detox to reduce online shopping temptations and impulsive purchases. Have you ever caught yourself scrolling through social media, only to end up buying quite a few clothing items you didn’t need? According to Lodro Rinzler, one way to prevent this is to start your day by asking yourself, “What qualities would I like to cultivate today? Whatever it is, starting to set the mental direction of our day goes a long way in bringing those qualities to life. Instead of going right into ‘what I need to do’ and ‘what I need to accomplish,’ think about who you want to be today.” These tiny mindfulness changes have an incredibly effective impact (NBC News).

Chocolate and Zucchini

Homemade Beauty Products

Create your beauty and skincare products using natural ingredients, saving money on cosmetics. DIY products lack the harmful chemicals that products you buy at the store have. Life’s luxuries, like laser hair removal, facials, and manicures end up costing a lot in the long run. By watching helpful tutorials and investing in tools and natural products, you can make homemade beauty products and give yourself your beauty treatments. There’s nothing better than spending a lazy Sunday giving yourself a manicure or dying your hair. You don’t have to overspend to give yourself the treatment you deserve (Beauty Bay).

Thriving Home

Meal Prep Parties

What better way to hang out with your friends than bulk-cook and share diverse meals? This helps cut grocery costs and will even give you fresh ideas on future meals you can make. There’s nothing better than sharing a meal with your closest friends, especially when it’s a way that doesn’t make you overspend. If you have any extra food, leave it in the freezer and eat it during the coming weeks (Fun Cheap or Free).

The Inspired Workshop

DIY Gift Workshop

People love getting homemade gifts, especially when it’s personalized. There’s no better way to show someone you love them than with a DIY gift. You won’t overspend, and you can add a unique touch to a photo album, photo puzzle, candle, or pillow. Personalized, handmade gifts are great for any birthday or holiday (Shutterfly).


Subscription Share

So you don’t overspend on your subscription, use subscription services with friends or family to split costs and access a variety of content. You can also select the annual option. It’s one of the quickest ways to save money, especially if you’re someone who watches a lot of movies or television. Premium family plans often offer premium benefits and can save you upwards of hundreds of dollars on individual subscriptions (Which).

Good Housekeeping

Furniture Repurposing

Instead of buying new pieces of furniture, try upcycling or repurposing your old furniture. You can cut an old dresser into a small side table. Or, you can decorate or paint a piece of furniture to give it new life. By adding new casings or curtain rods to an old couch, you can completely revamp the look and turn it into something that looks brand new. All you have to do is collect your pieces and start working. By using old furniture, you won’t overspend on buying new furniture. It’s better for the planet, and you can clear space in your attic that’s collecting dust. You might even want to sell some of the pieces you create! (A Place Called Home Ga).


Sustainable Fashion Swap

Refresh your wardrobe without having to spend money on new clothes. You don’t have to overspend when you go to a fashion swap, since it works on a “you bring, you take” basis. Bring old clothes sitting in your closet, and swap out new ones you like. Instead of buying new clothes at retail prices, acquire pre-loved items without spending another penny. You might even find some fashion pieces that suit your style, all while cutting down on unnecessary fashion expenses that won’t do your wallet any good (Medium).


Car Maintenance DIY

Check with your vehicle manufacturer to find out how often you need to change the oil and filter on your car. Once you’ve mastered this maintenance, then you will prevent future damage and won’t need to take it to the mechanic as often. This DIY car maintenance is an opportune way to not overspend on car work that you can do yourself. You could even fix minor car scratches with fine abrasion (Family Handyman).


Virtual Fitness Classes

Instead of paying for an expensive gym membership, try out virtual fitness classes or workout routines. You can find every type of workout online on YouTube. You’ll get HIIT workouts, yoga, and gym workouts, all for free! You won’t have to pay for individual classes and can instead use that money for a simple gym membership. Besides, those workouts on YouTube are more or less the same ones you’d get in a real class, and there’s no point in paying more when you don’t have to overspend (The Guardian).

Credit: freepik

Digital Price Tracker

By using apps or websites, you can keep track of price changes for necessary items you’re interested in. Only use this for items you need. That way, you can get the best deals for those necessary items and won’t overspend on things you don’t need. You can save money in the process and get a great deal. No more getting duped and overpaying for things you can get for a cheaper price (Life Hacker).


One-In, One-Out Rule

It’s time you implement a rule that for every new item purchased, you get rid of an old one, whether that’s through donation or selling it. This will help you declutter your closet and purge unnecessary items from your home. And instead of always replacing an old item you get rid of, you could try donating two items and replacing it with one, to help lessen the clutter in your space. It’ll help you make better and easier choices and help you manage the items in your home. A clearer home means a clearer mind, and one way to start this process is to lessen the amount of clothes or unnecessary items you have. You’ll also be able to tell what you need and what’s a superfluous, unnecessary purchase (Erica Lucas).


Cash-Only Weekends

By designating certain weekends where you only use cash for purchases, you can bring awareness to how much you’re spending, and therefore decrease the potential to overspend. According to NBC News, “In behavioral economics, it’s an idea called “pain of paying” — because human beings are loss averse, spending money is painful. But if you’re paying with a credit card, that pain isn’t felt right away — it’s delayed to a later date. With cash, however, the pain of parting with one’s money is felt immediately.” This alone will help you lessen the amount you spend. Start with the weekend, and then increase cash-only days to various weekdays (NBC News).


Rent Your Stuff

Do you have a ton of stuff sitting around in your garage that you could do without? Try renting it! There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of extra income, especially when it’ll help lessen the potential to overspend. and rarely used items, like camping gear, bikes, barbeques, or power tools, on rental platforms to earn extra money. Salameh, a local living in London, said, “I’m away a lot playing cricket and use the car for that, so I don’t tend to use my bike or barbecue much. Renting them out looked like a good opportunity to stop them going to waste and make a bit of money.” This also includes renting out a spare room to a lodger on a platform like Airbnb, or your driveway to a motorist looking for a place to park (The Guardian).


Digital Garden

Grow your digital assets, such as websites or online content, to generate passive income People who never overspend usually have a form of passive income. That means they can make money without having to go to the office. This helps lessen the burden of your monthly expenses. You can refer to this as your digital garden. With a little bit of water and nutrients, your seeds will grow and expand into something profitable (Money Saving Expert).

Eco-Friendly DIY Cleaning

Just like DIY beauty products, DIY cleaning products are another way to cut costs and prevent the temptation to overspend on unnecessary expenses. Make your cleaning supplies using simple, eco-friendly ingredients to save money and reduce waste. Not only is this beneficial for the environment, but also for your wallet. You can find products like vinegar and baking soda for inexpensive prices at the supermarket, thus saving you tons of money in the long run on chemical cleaning products (Good Housekeeping).


Zero-Waste Shopping

It might not seem like it, but paying ten cents per grocery bag adds up over time. Embrace a zero-waste lifestyle by using reusable containers and buying in bulk to reduce packaging costs. Every penny saved is a penny in your bank account! Not only that, but zero-waste shopping is good for the environment. Bringing your grocery bag reduces the temptation to pay ten cents for a plastic shopping bag, thus reducing the desire to overspend. This also includes buying only what you need, when you need it (Loch Tree).


Buy Refurbished Electronics

You don’t need that brand-new iPhone! Sometimes, refurbished products are the way to go. But make sure you have purchased refurbished items with warranties to save money, while still getting reliable products. There’s nothing better than an inexpensive, refurbished iPhone that’s practically new, according to Carlo Salgado, e-commerce administrator at Sims Lifecycle Services. “You have thousands of online sellers offering products they refurbish themselves. Consumers have no way to determine the quality of replaced parts.” That’s why you need a warranty. Regardless, you’ll save a couple hundred bucks, at least, on a refurbished item. If you do this will all of your electronics, you could save upwards of a grand (Consumer Reports).

Packaging Company

Join A Loyalty Program

If you find yourself constantly going to the same store over and over again, it might be time to join their loyalty program. Strategically use loyalty programs and accumulate points for significant discounts or freebies. Most of the time, companies offer items at discounted prices, two-for-one deals, and other freebies that you wouldn’t get if you weren’t a member of their loyalty program. This is one way not to overspend and to make sure you’re getting products for the best deals possible (Ramsey Solutions).

The Krazy Coupon Lady

Try Coupon Stacking

You might remember your grandma pulling out her stack of coupons when you were a kid. Even though you might have rolled your eyes, we have to admit, she was on to something! You can combine coupons, discounts, and cashback offers for maximum savings during shopping. Those little pennies add up and go a long way (Voucherify).


Library for Hobbies

If there’s a library in your hometown, it’s an oasis of knowledge, hobbies, and new experiences. It’s there for a reason, and if you’re not taking advantage of everything your library has to offer, then you’re seriously missing out. Explore new hobbies by borrowing books, tools, or equipment from the library before committing to purchases. This is a great way to see if you like a book or movie before spending money on one. People who don’t overspend usually take a pause and think before they buy, which is something the library can certainly help you do (Medium).


Cash-Back Communities

Join cashback communities where members share tips on maximizing cashback rewards and discounts. If you purchase something, you have the potential to get back a ton of money. Oftentimes, though, this isn’t obvious and is usually something you hear about down the grapevine. That’s why cashback communities give you insider tips and tricks to saving money and lessening the temptation to overspend on unnecessary items (Inspiring Scotland).


Home Solar Projects

We have full access to solar energy, every single day throughout the year. Why not take advantage of such a great opportunity? All it takes is a little bit of investment, and suddenly you have access to solar energy for the rest of your life. You can easily explore DIY solar projects to harness solar energy and reduce electricity bills. You can do this through DIY cell phone chargers, a solar-powered radio, a solar-paneled stove, solar roof panels, and a solar-paneled boom box (How Stuff Works).

Good Housekeeping

Grocery Subscription Boxes

Going to the grocery store can add up, especially when you’re not buying local products. Try switching it up a bit and opt for subscription boxes that deliver fresh, local produce at a fixed cost, reducing grocery expenses. This prevents the temptation to overspend at the grocery store on products you don’t need. Besides, it’s always better to shop locally and support local businesses. Never go to the grocery store hungry, either! (Good Housekeeping).

Year Zero Savings

Skill Bartering

Even though it might seem like the oldest trick in the book, there’s a reason for it. Skill bartering is one way to exchange skills with others instead of hiring professionals, creating a barter system for services. This will help lessen the absurd cost that some professionals charge while exchanging skills with someone. You might even learn a trick or two while you’re at it! Perhaps you’re an awesome pet sitter, a professional copywriter, or have a knack for polishing off someone’s resume. Finance education instructor Kari Lorz said, “Figure out your skill, then research your target audience, and go where they are on local social media groups,” says Lorz. “Figure out what you need to achieve that win-win outcome.” All of these are great skills to exchange (Real Simple).

Free Skill Workshops

You don’t always have to pay for a class to learn a new skill. That’s where free skill workshops come in, where you can attend free workshops or webinars to acquire new skills instead of paying for classes. There are tons of free skill workshops out there. Some of them are online, some of them are at your local library, and some can take place in your local town (Simpli Learn).


Energy-Saving Gadgets

Has your monthly energy bill ever made you gasp in horror? Invest in energy-saving devices to reduce utility bills in the long run. You can make significant reductions in your energy bills by switching to saver devices that make a huge impact on your monthly expenses. Smart plugs allow you to schedule the lights and anything plugged in so it turns off during a certain set schedule. This prevents that fan that usually runs 24/7 from eating up so much energy. LED lightbulbs use up to 90% less energy than normal lightbulbs use. Best of all, smart thermostats improve insulation and raise and lower your settings without destroying comfort (NY Times).

Gardening Know How

Community Garden Co-op

There’s nothing better than eating a homegrown vegetable, especially when it’s one you harvested yourself. You can cut out the plastic and cut the costs of purchasing vegetables with a community garden co-op. Join or create a community garden co-op where members share the costs and harvest of a communal garden. You can meet like-minded individuals who share the same passions and interests, and who want to stop the temptation to overspend (Coop Gardens).

Tech Brew

Virtual Clothing Fitting Rooms

Buying a few items online, only to return half of them, can be costly. It also uses unnecessary packaging and plastic and is bad for the environment. Use augmented reality apps to virtually try on clothes before buying, reducing returns and exchanges. This is the future of shopping, and the future doesn’t want you to overspend (Shopify).
