The name “Karen” has become synonymous with the neediness of the entitled white woman in her 30s who thinks that the world owes her a favor. We’ve all seen the stories in the news, but you may not believe that the typical “Karen” can be much worse than you think. As you probably know from these stories, they don’t know how to exercise any common sense. They believe that everything should be done for them so that they can exercise the least amount of effort possible. Here are 50 of the worst “Karen” types of people you’ll ever meet, compiled from a few stories on Reddit.
50. Being A Little Too Protective
Being concerned about strangers is one thing, but you can become obsessive to the point that you end up like this woman who can’t let anyone else have any fun. Imagine being so entitled that not even kids can ride their bikes down the sidewalk because you’re concerned about being sued. At least this Reddit user was intelligent and witty enough with their comeback and didn’t suffer any repercussions in the process. It’s a shame they didn’t tell their parents when they were younger, though; they would have probably had a nice talk with this entitled woman. [via Jummatron]