With pharmacies around every corner, there are countless numbers of products on the market. Companies are trying to sell you solutions to problems you didn’t even know you had. But did you know that you can cure most ailments with products you find around your house? Our ancestors had plenty of weird home remedy ideas available that they used to cure what ails them. These ideas have been passed down for centuries, but many were all but forgotten. Here are some amazing home remedies that actually work.
30. A Spoonful of Sugar Cures the Hiccups
There are plenty of home remedies out there to cure hiccups. One that seems to do the trick for me is to simply hold your breath. Or, try holding your breath while drinking a glass of water. But that remedy isn’t nearly as interesting as this sweet tip using ingredients you can find in almost any kitchen around the world.
In the Disney movie Mary Poppins, there is a song with the lyrics, “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.” It turns out that a spoonful of sugar is also a great remedy for hiccups. The reason why this works is that sugar stimulates the vagus nerve. This will stop the muscle spasms that are causing the hiccups to occur. And you don’t have to take our word for it. A study in 1971 proved that 9 out of 10 patients had their hiccups cured after a teaspoon of sugar.