Staircases create a very interesting design point in any home. They’re moving away from just being a functional piece of the house and becoming an amazing feature instead. It’s all about aesthetics and how it works within the space while still creating a point of interest. Spiral staircases and floating staircases seem to be the most popular design, and each has so many variations to appreciate and choose from. If you’re thinking about renovating your old staircase or just admire the beautiful designs, keep reading and scrolling to be genuinely blown away by these staircase designs.

40. A Staircase With Soft Curves
A staircase is an integral part of a two-story home. So why not make it as beautiful as this one? This staircase seems to blend perfectly into this design. The twisting design is gorgeous and soft within this space and is made even more spectacular with the light wood flooring, accentuated by the same light wood banister. This staircase works so well in this space because while it is a beautiful piece of design, it doesn’t take away from the relaxing atmosphere but rather adds to it with the soft curves. The feature wall behind the staircase is also a genius idea.