Just like people, our Earth isn’t getting any younger! The more waste and carbon emissions we produce, the more the Earth ages, and the less likely it is to be capable of sustaining life. That’s why so many people have jumped on the zero waste movement! Reducing your waste and carbon emissions is the best way to ensure the longevity of our planet and help it recover from years of human interference. Every effort made by every person on this planet will make a massive difference in the health of our ecosystems. Are you ready to help our planet recover from ages of wasteful living? Get your notebook out because we have 45 zero-waste tips, tricks, and hacks to help eco-conscious people reduce their waste and carbon emissions!
Zero Waste Confetti
Confetti takes up a ton of space in landfills. It’s damaging for the environment and your wallet! So, try out this nature-based decoration hack. All you need is a decorative hole puncher and the materials in your yard! Grab leaves, plants, and other resources from right outside your door and get to punching. You’ll create gorgeous, natural confetti that doesn’t cost you a dime and can simply be thrown back into your yard when you’re done. Using natural confetti is a great conversation starter and party-goers at your home will be massively impressed by your ingenuity.